Jun 7, 2022 | Health and Safety, Social Media Post, Weeklies, WellForWork, Workplace Health and Safety
The Vital Role of Workplace Health and Safety Programs Workplace health and safety is the term used to describe the range of actions and activities. These actions and activities are undertaken to protect the health, safety, and well-being of people at work. A...
Dec 12, 2021 | Social Media Post, Weeklies, WellForWork, Workplace Wellness
Stressors can affect our thoughts, moods, and behaviours, and over time, our physical health. Each of these are interconnected effect the stress cycle. Study shows that felling of trust, safety, and comfort can lower the body’s stress-related responses particularly...
Nov 21, 2021 | Social Media Post, Weeklies, WellForWork, Workplace Health and Safety, Workplace Wellness
The Ministry of Health advises that to live long and healthy lives, New Zealand adults should make regular Physical activity part of their lifestyle. Sit less, move more! Break up long periods of sitting. Many adults spend around 9 hours a day sitting. This includes...