Collaboration a Way to Reduce the Stress Cycle

Stressors can affect our thoughts, moods, and behaviours, and over time, our physical health. Each of these are interconnected effect the stress cycle.

Study shows that felling of trust, safety, and comfort can lower the body’s stress-related responses particularly during a health crisis and in turn improve heart health.

Talking about an event or stressor release of emotional tension. The negative feelings within us reduces. Discussing the event/negative thought may not change the outcome; but helps reduce the impact of the negative thought. 

Ways to Connect with the People Around Us

Connecting to people around helps us to remain positive. To reach the positivity and enrich your everyday try out the following;

  • giving a gift, or a gesture of kindness 
  • stepping outside and participate in a physical activity
  • passing a smile
  • rediscovering an old interest
  • joining a community group
  • treating family, friends, colleagues and neighbours the way you want them to treat you
Spend Time Outside and rejuvenate your mind

Well for Work

At Well for Work we specialize in helping business to initially assess the factors causing stress and anxiety to the work force and then help them to develop strategies to the stress; let’s break the cycle of stress together.

Do not hesitate to contact us.


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