We are living in a time of unprecedented workplace abuse, but it does not have to be that way.
Introduction to Harassment and Bullying
Bullying is any behaviour that has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity. It also includes effecting confidence or ability to participate in the work or study environment.
Harassment and bullying are topics that is been ignored by employers until recently. This is partly since many of us do not realize the extent of the problem. But, more importantly, it is because most of us are too afraid to speak out about it. The fact that we do not want to be labelled as troublemakers. In this article, we are going to discuss how to prevent harassment and bullying in the workplace.
- We will look at the reasons behind the harassment and bullying in the workplace.
- The things you can do to stop bullying.
- The impact it has on both employees and companies.
- We will also explain how it affects your career and your financial security.
- We will look at how to recover from a situation where you care about someone who has been harassed.
The reasons behind the Harassment and Bullying
Bullying is defined as aggressive behaviour directed at a particular person repetitively.
- Peer pressure at work or school
- Lack of parental guidance
- Inadequate social skills
- The tendency to copy what others are doing
- Having low self-esteem that can cause an individual to turn on others they deem weak or inferior
Bullies thrive on the fact that they are safe in their actions. They know no consequences because the adults around them protect them. Therefore, bullies bully because they have learned that this behaviour is normal and expected.

The things you can do to stop bullying
Bullying is a problem that we all need to deal with. However, we need to understand that it can occur in unusual ways and for several reasons. It is important for us to know how to avoid being a bully and how to stop them. We also need to learn how to react if we find ourselves being bullied.
Remember, bullying has no limits. It is possible that you are being bullied by someone you know. So, you must be careful when you are talking to people about being bullied. Sometimes, the bullies will not admit it and will deny that they are doing it. So, when you are talking about being bullied, be careful to choose your words wisely. Be sure to know exactly what is going on and why you are being bullied. If you have been bullied, make sure that you keep a record of everything. This way, you will have a better chance of solving the problem.
While it might seem like an easy thing to identify, it is not as simple as that. There are many types of harassment and bullying. Therefore, it is so important to seek help if you think you might be experiencing bullying.
The impact of Harassment and Bullying
The impact of abasement and bullying can be on the individual is immeasurable. It has a negative effect on health, emotional wellbeing, and self-confidence. Bullying affects our ability to function as a whole person.
Harassment and bullying can create a hostile environment for everyone in the company. It can lead to stress and impact employee health can increase staff turnover. Harassment can damage relationships and can impact productivity and profit. It can have a monetary impact that can damage the reputation of the organization and the person in question.
Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) protect workers’ right to take legal action.

How Harassment affects career and financial security
Bullying, harassment, and abuse can take many forms. However, all bullying is based on the same principle of intimidation. They meant to intimidate or control another person into conforming to a certain set of beliefs.
Bullying and harassment can cause you a lot of pain, and often, it leads to a loss of self-esteem and confidence and the loss of friendships. It may also lead to a change in career, with victims being forced to quit jobs. It is because they do not want to stay in an environment that is making them uncomfortable. Employers often ignore these situations, and victims may be left to deal with their own issues.
How to get out of a harassment situation
If someone is harassing you, there are ways to get away from them. It can feel scary, but you do not need to respond. Even if they are yelling at you, or if it feels like they are physically touching you. In fact, sometimes it is better to avoid interaction altogether.
- First, try to find a way out of the situation, such as an exit or an ally. If you have an ally, have them walk with you or follow you.
- If you cannot get out of the situation, find a way to distract yourself. Take deep breaths, count to 10, or try to think of something else.
- Do not fight back or retaliate. If you want to talk about what happened later, find a safe space where you can be comfortable.
- If you are being harassed, you need to speak to someone or seek help you trust.
- Make sure that you keep a record of everything. This way, you will have a better chance of solving the problem.

How to prevent harassment bullying at work
Bullying in the workplace is repeated and unreasonable behaviour. It can have damaging effects on people’s mental health. It is therefore so important to do something about it.
There are the following actions that can be taken to prevent harassment at work:
- It is important to have good relationships at work. For a respectful work environment, it is important to maintain healthy and effective working relationships. Misunderstandings can be reduced if people are aware of cultural differences and communication styles.
- Employers must provide information, training, instruction, or supervision to protect people from health and safety risks. This includes information about bullying behaviours, their consequences and how to deal with them. Educating all workers about these issues will help prevent workplace bullying.
- Make anti-bullying policies, procedures, and systems that engage your staff. It is important that you must documented policies, processes and systems that are easy to understand. Policies related to bullying need to be part of your health and safety system. All policies, processes and systems should be explained when workers start their jobs. All incident reports should be accessible and easy to use. You should ensure workers understand these policies, processes, and systems.
- Workers should know all reporting methods and how to formally/informally report bullying or harassment. Employees should know if it is bullying or some other type of behaviour. Finally, they should know what to expect after they have made a complaint.
- Discuss with workers what support will be available. All parties to a complaint should be given the chance to have a support person with them to attend meetings.
- It is an innovative idea to review the data gathered from informal or formal complaints about your workers. The reviews should be used to find out if your workers are at risk of being bullied. It is also important to make sure the control measures are doing their job.
The only way to stop harassment and bullying is by being aware of it. It is important to know that all the workplace behaviour that you see is NOT okay.
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